Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stimulate Your Senses

As I was sitting at my desk pondering as to what I should write my rhetoric blog about, I remembered a specific commercial that I saw a quite a long time ago. The commercial was an advertisement for 5 React Gum.

It begins with a narrator saying “Experience new 5 React Gum,” and continues to show three actors going on what appears to be quite a trip. Now, I’m going to pose you a question: what is the logic behind seeing an octopus while chewing 5 Gum? Unless you’re on something else with a little more of a kick while chewing it, I would say that there isn’t any. The commercial doesn’t even describe what the gum tastes like; it just plays on your emotions, making you think that this new and exciting gum must be great considering how the actors experienced it. I mean come on, who wouldn’t like to a see a giant octopus or bird flowing above their head in a black liquid form? I know I would, but I could see why one wouldn’t; it could be a little frightening, but on to the matter at hand.

Using pathos in commercials to appeal to an audience has been met with great success for ages, and I have to admit, it is a good business strategy. How many people do you think bought their product, not even knowing what it may taste like, just because they thought that the commercial was cool and edgy? I for one know that my little brother bought it just for that sole reason- fourteen year olds meh. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't fully understand the ink-blot themed commercial either, and when I see it, I tend to disregard it. However, I think that the message they were try to portay is that the experience is different for everyone. Sadly, their image didn't make sense. Just how is it different for everyone? Does everyone think it has a different taste? I highly doubt it. So how can everyone react to the same chewing gum differently?
