Sunday, April 29, 2012



Welcome to My E-Portfolio!

Greetings! My name is Naomi Watkins and I would like to welcome you to my e-portfolio! I am an undergraduate at The Pennsylvania State University with a major in English and soon-to-be minor in Comparative Literature. With my chosen major and minor I hope to pave the road toward an occupation in teaching. My experience here at Penn State has certainly been a rewarding one. During my time here, I have discovered very much about myself and have realized what kind of person I want to be.

This website is designed to highlight my best work here at Penn State. On the left you will find a compilation of the essays, speeeches, and blogs that I have completed, and will continue to update, during my college career. If you wish to reach me, my contact information is listed as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Believe That I'm Free to be Whoever I Choose to be

                Today in Psychology 212H, we discussed identity status development, and we listened to a couple of This I Believe essays on While both of the essays were very interesting and heart felt, one particular essay was especially interesting to me. It was written by Phyllis Allen in 2005 and was entitled Leaving Identity Issues to Other Folks. In her This I Believe Essay, she describes all of the identity statuses that she went through as times changed. Her story and the tone with which she spoke truly sways the audience to believe that she really does believe that she is free to be whoever she wants to be. In Phyllis’s essay, she proves that she has and always has had the freedom to choose whatever lifestyle and identity that she pleases. Her tone and the originality portrayed in her essay simply fascinated me; this is truly a woman with a voice. 

Leaving Identity Issues to Other Folks

Phyllis Allen - Fort Worth, Texas
As heard on NPR’s All Things Considered, July 11, 2005

Standing in the rain waiting to go up the steps to the balcony of the Grand Theater I gripped Mama’s hand and watched the little blond kids enter the lobby downstairs. It was the ’50s, I was “colored” and this is what I believed: My place was in the balcony of the downtown theater, the back of the bus, and the back steps of the White Dove Barbecue Emporium. When I asked Mama why this was so, she smiled and said, “Baby, people do what they do. What you got to do is be the best that you can be.”
We got our first television in the ’60s and it brought into my living room the German shepherds, snapping at a young girl’s heels. It showed children just like me going to school passing through throngs of screaming, angry folks, chanting words I wasn’t allowed to say. I could no longer be “colored.” We were Negroes now, marching in the streets for our freedom — at least, that’s what the preacher said. I believed that, even though I was scared, I had to be brave and stand up for my rights.
In the ’70s: beat-up jeans, hair like a nappy halo, and my clenched fist raised, I stood on the downtown street shouting. Angry young black men in sleek black leather jackets and berets had sent out a call from the distant shores of Oakland, California. No more non-violence or standing on the front lines quietly while we were being beaten. Simple courtesies like “please” and “thank you” were over. It was official: Huey, H. Rap, and Eldridge said so. I believed in being black and angry.
By the ’80s, fertility gods lined the walls and crammed the display cases of all my friends’ houses. People who’d never been closer to Africa than a Tarzan movie were speaking broken Swahili. The ’80s made us hyphenated: African-American. Swaddled in elaborately woven costumes of flowing design, bright colors, and rich gold I was a pseudo-African, who’d never seen Africa. “It’s your heritage,” is what everybody said. Now, I believed in the elusive promise of the Motherland.
In the ’90s, I was a woman whose skin happened to be brown, chasing the American dream. Everybody said that the dream culminated in stuff. I believed in spending days shopping. Debt? I didn’t care about no stinkin’ debt. It was the ’90s. My 401(k) was in the mid-six figures and I believed in American Express. Then came the crash, and American Express didn’t believe in me nearly as much as I believed in it.
Now, it’s a brand new millennium and the bling-bling, video generation ain’t about me. Everything changed when I turned 50. Along with the wrinkles, softened muscles, and weak eyesight came the confidence that allows me to stick to a very small list of beliefs. I’ll leave those identity issues to other folks. I believe that I’m free to be whoever I choose to be. I believe in being a good friend, lover, and parent so that I can have good friends, lovers, and children. I believe in being a woman — the best that I can be, like my Mama said.
Phyllis Allen has sold yellow pages advertising for 15 years. She spends about half her working hours in her car covering her territory around Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. When she retires, she hopes to get rid of her car and telephone books and pursue her first passion, writing.
Independently produced for NPR by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman with John Gregory and Viki Merrick. Edited by Ellen Silva.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


As I was poking around different sites to find something on which I could write my blog entry, I came across this little gem, which I found to be quite clever indeed. As you can see, this print advertises Bose’s Noise Reduction Headphones, and there are quite a few aspects of it which I find interesting. First of all, the picture itself catches the eye. The majority of the photo is just this beautiful waterfall which immediately draws your attention. It’s almost demanding to be noticed. I guess that one could say that the man going down the waterfall draws his attention more, but to each his own. The second thing of which I took notice was the shrinking text. It was pretty imaginative to add shrinking text to signify the “drowning out” of sound. I think that it was a nice little touch and in it’s own way, it strengthens the whole advertisement because it reinforces the idea that the headphones substantially reduce outside noise. The last thing is the most obvious, that poor man rowing to his death. It may seem to be a tad bit morbid, but I think it’s pretty funny. Not funny as in I’m laughing because this poor chump is rowing down a waterfall, but funny because it’s ironic. I imagine this man to be so happy with his cool new headphones, only to have them be the death of him; unless he rows to safety or someone saves him, I guess we’ll never know.  Over all, I think that this advertisement takes quite an effective approach to persuading their audience. They simply get their point across and that’s it, all in good taste. Anymore observations?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Everyday Rhetoric

One thing that I find especially interesting about human nature is how often we use rhetoric to shape others’ opinion of ourselves. We are constantly changing our mannerisms to reflect the person of which we want others to see. But the rhetoric with which we use depends on whom we are trying to influence. An example of this is how we use rhetoric to influence those in authority’s perspective of us.

As college freshmen, most of us have a general idea as to what kind of person we are and who we want to be. Many of us have dreams of doing something amazing with our lives, and with that come a great deal of dedication and hard work for those who will make those dreams become reality. Having someone in a position of power over you can be somewhat intimidating. And something that we always do in those situations is use rhetoric to influence that person’s perspective of ourselves. We want them to know that we are trustworthy and competent, so we show that to them through our language and actions. One may say that we are being on our “best behavior.” Something that coincides with this is the theory of Impression Management, which states that humans attempt to influence others perceptions by regulating or controlling information in social interactions. I find this very interesting because it’s almost like we’re using rhetoric as a façade in order to control others’ opinions of ourselves. But that’s just my perspective. Thoughts?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ahhh the Vegans

Now, there are very few things that really “get” to me. I’ll find a few things here and there that are a little more than bothersome such as taking the elevator to the first or second floor or the cracking of one’s joints, but this is a little different. The picture posted below is an advertisement which I believe to be from (I came across this picture on and the picture led me to their website, so excuse me if I am mistaken.) I understand their wanting to spread their belief of veganism, or whatever you call it, but I find comparing humans to animals a little disturbing. Now, I don’t find the image offensive or anything, but there is quite a difference between being omnivorous and cannibalistic. If one chooses to be a vegan on their own accord then good for them, but I think that being forceful with spreading one’s belief by showing a corpse wrapped in plastic is just gross. But I digress, on to the real matter at hand: the method of advertisement with which they use.

While I don’t especially like this advertisement, they do send a powerful, or forceful, message. The specific use of pathos in this advertisement is most likely, as it did with me, intended to evoke a strong feeling of disgust. While it may not be an especially effective advertisement because of the apparent lack of logos, they do get their point across. Indeed they do. So what do you think? Agree or disagree?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Now That's One Lucky Cleaning Lady

When trying to decide what to do for my Rhetoric and Civic life blog, I remembered this little gem that I stumbled upon on well,  The advertisement below for Ambi Pur toilet cleaner takes a rather different and humorous approach to advertise their product. They take a sensual tactic that is usually typical for perfume advertisements, and incorporate it into their image, how clever. I can really appreciate an advertising campaign that can take something as ordinary as a toilet cleaner ad, and make it quirky and out of the ordinary.

By taking this approach, they make the product seem as if it smells as great as any perfume on the market, especially by adding the text “The Toilet Cleaner That Doesn’t Smell Like One.” This advertisement, as you can see, relies solely on pathos. By adding an attractive, half naked young man, they appeal specifically to woman’s emotions. I mean come on, who doesn’t want the surprise of seeing a sexy man on a toilet cleaner advertisement? I know that I didn’t mind it. I’m willing to bet that by being creative and putting a twist on their advertisement, Ambi Pur cashed in quite nicely. Creativity, in my opinion, is something that is quite lacking in most advertisement campaign these days. Well that’s just my opinion; what do you think?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Above the Influence

I’m sure that we have all seen the Above the Influence advertisements.  Through the use of logos, ethos, and pathos, the Above the Influence campaign tries to steer the population away from the use of illegal drug and alcohol consumption. Their advertisements can be seen on billboards, commercials, and on their website, and they all convey the same message of being above the influence. Most of their advertisements are geared toward the illegal use of marijuana, but one particular commercial that I am focusing on, their most recent one, places it’s emphasis on alcohol consumption.

The commercial opens with a girl who’s had a bit too much to drink, throwing up pictures and what not, and closes with a text reading: “You’re not the only thing getting wasted.” If you haven’t seen it before, I posted it below. What did you think? I don’t really remember my reaction when I first saw this commercial, but I imagine that I was a bit disturbed and a little confused as to how someone could throw up a trophy, but that’s beside the point. This commercial sends quite a powerful message, using few words to convey their belief of being above the influence. It is what’s left unsaid that makes this commercial so easy to connect to.  The clever use of pathos in this commercial helps the viewers to be able to connect and even live vicariously through the actor portrayed. Being able to do so make us think: what if that were me, or someone close to me? Evoking that kind of response is exactly what these advertisements are intended to do. They definitely make one think.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stimulate Your Senses

As I was sitting at my desk pondering as to what I should write my rhetoric blog about, I remembered a specific commercial that I saw a quite a long time ago. The commercial was an advertisement for 5 React Gum.

It begins with a narrator saying “Experience new 5 React Gum,” and continues to show three actors going on what appears to be quite a trip. Now, I’m going to pose you a question: what is the logic behind seeing an octopus while chewing 5 Gum? Unless you’re on something else with a little more of a kick while chewing it, I would say that there isn’t any. The commercial doesn’t even describe what the gum tastes like; it just plays on your emotions, making you think that this new and exciting gum must be great considering how the actors experienced it. I mean come on, who wouldn’t like to a see a giant octopus or bird flowing above their head in a black liquid form? I know I would, but I could see why one wouldn’t; it could be a little frightening, but on to the matter at hand.

Using pathos in commercials to appeal to an audience has been met with great success for ages, and I have to admit, it is a good business strategy. How many people do you think bought their product, not even knowing what it may taste like, just because they thought that the commercial was cool and edgy? I for one know that my little brother bought it just for that sole reason- fourteen year olds meh. 

This I Believe

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Light and Dark Side of Technology

We all live in a society where technology is available right at our finger tips, and there are many different ways to view how technology has changed our interactions with others. Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with old friends and family, and it is rather convenient to just shoot someone a text rather than take the time to call them. Now, I text and use Facebook just as much as the next person, but sometimes I wonder if my relationships with others would be different if I hadn’t. I ask you, has technology been detrimental or beneficial to the relationships that we have formed with others?

Sending text messages can be very vague in a conversation. Without being able to see the expression on your face or hear the tone of your voice, people can’t always understand exactly what you’re trying to say. Has that ever happened to you? I have to say that it has happened to me quite a few times, and it can create a pretty awkward situation. Now, if you just need to tell someone that you’ll be back in ten minutes or that you’re on the bus, that’s not a big deal; but if you’re having a serious conversation with someone that requires great detail or emotion, texting isn’t the best way to go.

Finding old friends on Facebook is fantastic. Every once in a while, I’ll be poking around on Facebook, and I’ll come across someone that I haven’t seen in years! Well look at that, it’s Such and So from middle school, my how they’ve changed. That’s weird, seeing how much someone has changed just in a few years, but that’s the great thing about Facebook, you never know who you’ll see again. Being able to talk to someone who you haven’t spoken to in years is one of the main reasons as to why I use Facebook; to ask where they’ve been, where they are now, and where they plan to be is the best.

So what do you think? Detrimental or Beneficial? 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Regarding My Personal Expertise in Advertisement...

Last Sunday night was just like any other Sunday night with my roommate. She and I just chilled out and watched TV, and to nobody’s great surprise, there was nothing on. What we did come across though were commercials, and several of them. We all have been subjected to a seemingly countless number of commercials. Whether it be on the Internet, on billboards, or on the back of a box of breakfast cereal; advertisements are everywhere. One particular advertisement that may be familiar is AT&T’s most recent commercial promoting their Mobile to Any Mobile family plan.

The commercial begins with a teenage girl calling her boyfriend to tell him that she is giving him the “silent treatment”.  Her boyfriend is confused because she has already called him several times, but she tells him not to worry because she has unlimited calling to any mobile. He then tells her that she doesn’t know how the silent treatment works, and what is her response? Nothing.  She sure showed him.

Now I’m no relationship expert, but these two have some serious communication issues. Having someone call you just to say that they’re giving you the silent treatment? That’s harsh. Watching this commercial isn’t making me curious about AT&T’s Mobile to Any Mobile family plan; it’s making me wonder how this story ends. Do they resolve their differences? Will she call him back just in time to end the madness? Or will her boyfriend be the first one to break the ice?

Surely it is to no great surprise that my last paragraph was laden with sarcasm. While I enjoy a witty commercial just as much as the next person, this one is just painful. Why must I endure watching this lunacy? Whose bright idea was it to incorporate the relationship of two teenagers into an AT&T commercial? Now I have seen quite a few commercials in my day, and I must say that I am quite disappointed. Shame on you AT&T.